The Good News is that your Odds of winning Powerball, MegaMillions, and EuroMillions For INDIVIDUAL PLAY have been improved from:
1-in-292,201,338 to better odds ranging from 1-in-45,677,632 to 1-in-4,694,144 for Powerball
1-in-302,575,350 to better odds ranging from 1-in-47,913,600 to1-in-4,604,600 for MegaMillions
1-in-139,838,160 to better odds ranging from 1-in-22,709,280 to1-in-2,019,600 for EuroMillions
That's an improvement of your winning odds from 84% to 98% for Powerball
That's an improvement of your winning odds from 84% to 98% for MegaMillions
That's an improvement of your winning odds from 84% to 98.5% for EuroMillions
I'll start the GREAT NEWS with some questions:
you have more ways and chances of sharing in the winnings:
The Excellent news for Structured Syndicated Group Play with 3D Math Secrets™ is that you have 99% assurances to play Powerball, MegaMillions, and EuroMillions absolutely Free! How does "free" work? First you need to play your 60 Sets. Each time there is a Draw for Powerball, MegaMillions, and EuroMillions there are a predictable number of Structured Syndicated Players who will win the Jackpot, $1,000,000, or $50,000 (NOTE: amounts for EuroMillions Winnings are different, click here for the prize structure of EuroMillions). By agreement among all Syndicated Group Members, 50% of any member's $1,000,000 winnings is shared among all other members. Jackpot winnings are also shared. All this shared revenue reduces your cost of playing 60 Sets regularly by 50% to 100%.
Lottery Game play can be very emotional, so you must understand the Two Ways that these extremely low odds are achieved.