
Instant Science and Tech Areas for “two new operators” and 3D Math

The terms “3D Mathematics” or “3D Math” or “Three-Dimensional Mathematics” coming from the original research of Professor Paul Douglas Katching (PDK) must not be confused with geometry, 3D coordinate systems, 3D printing, or other 3D techniques presented on various YouTube videos.  Three-Dimensional Mathematics is fundamentally different. It has never been postulated or stated that all numbers (including the single-digit numbers 1 to 9) consist of three parts. This is an absolute game-changer in all of mathematics and science.

Three-Dimensional Mathematics is a fundamental breakthrough in Number Theory. When applied to solve challenging problems in math and science, 3D Math brings traction to seemingly intractable problems.

By breaking down any large number system into three dimensions, 3D Math makes the “amount of number-crunching” in that number system more manageable. This “3D Processing Power” does not come from the speed of the computer’s CPU, but rather from the mathematical breakthrough (a.k.a. Three-Dimensional Mathematics) which requires numbers to be handled differently. All three parts of the key defining numbers of the large number system are always taken into account.  

This approach is the Three-Dimensional Mathematics trade-secret of Professor PDK. It is a service that brings more insight into number systems. This “3D Processing Power” is most evident from the ability of Three-Dimensional Mathematics (or “3D Math”) to manage the extremely large 400!÷100! calculation into 5,151 polynomial groups. 5,151 is more manageable than a large number which is almost 100 digits long!

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Pure Three-Dimensional Mathematics provides a fundamentally new mathematics applied to Physics, Cosmology, and the Health Sciences to accelerate the following five solutions:
  1. 3D Math proves that P=NP
  2. 3D Math solves the Riemann Hypothesis
  3. 3D Math solves the Levinthal Paradox
  4. 3D Math solves Six of the 10 Hidden Dimensions in Cosmology
  5. 3D Math solves the Unification of the Four Forces of Physics


Professor Paul D. Katching

This section is fundamentally an interdisciplinary section for the scientists and mathematicians who are not focused on a single discipline to see the Big Picture.  This Big Picture can only be the geometrical structure of the universe itself where the First Law of the Conservation of Energy is contained within and prevails.

It should be clear that this universe and the First Law of the Conservation of Energy are actually one, expressed by the mathematical, scientific, and technological digit 1.  Two New Mathematical Operators permit this ‘1’ clear universe and energy observation.

No apologies are made for not including the “two new mathematical operators” (at this time) which brings new and much needed scientific and technology solutions referenced in five sections below. The financial consequences are unfathomed. Again, a prowess in “Zero Knowledge Proof” is required by mathematicians and scientists when observing the potential science and technology contained in these five sections.

Just as quantum mechanics caught the communities of single-discipline scientists of cosmology and physics by surprise (in fact this quantum mechanics is yet incomplete), the Three-Dimensional Mathematics caused by the “two new operators” will be well received in unlocking bottlenecks when and if actually published in the foreseeable future.

It should not be — but it will be — a surprise to many that the traditional mathematical operators of addition(+), subtraction(-), multiplication(*), and division(/) are not adequate to penetrate the deep mysteries of the universe and science using these traditional mathematical tools in solving intractable math problems.

Let’s read what two super (and honest) mathematicians had to say about the Riemann Hypotheses, an intractable and perplexing math problem that remains unsolved and eludes the best minds in mathematics until this day. 
“Mathematicians have tried in vain to this day to discover some order in the sequence of prime numbers, and we have reason to believe that it is a mystery into which the human mind will never perpetrate.” Leonhard Euler.

“Requires mathematics that we do not know how to articulate today” says Professor Emeritus Dr. Jeff Vapler of The University of Texas at a 2001 Graduate Seminar given at Harvard University on the Riemann Hypothesis at the end of his lecture in the Q&A phase. 
Recently a brilliant young Fields Medal Winner Professor (Dr.) Manjul Bhargava at Princeton University shed some light on the distribution of prime number by stating that: “Bhargava's prime-universality criterion theorem asserts that an integer-matrix quadratic form represents all prime numbers if and only if it represents all numbers in this sequence 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 67, 73.”

The Statement is incomplete, Very good work but incomplete by several prime numbers revealed by the "two new mathematics operators".

Dr. Zakir F. Seidov of the Research Institute College of Judea and Samaria Israel makes a similar observation about prime numbers in: “Primes that lack the digit zero in the decimal expansion of their squares.” Where he states that the “The primes 47, 53 and 71 are not in the sequence because 47^2=2209, 53^2=2809 and 71^2=5041 contain zeros in their decimal representation.”

Again, both Dr. Bhargava and Dr. Seidov are adding to analytic number theory. However both observations are incomplete. In fact armed with the "two new operators" there is a profound reason why Dr. Seidov’s math does not include the prime numbers of 47, 53, and 71. Moreover Dr. Bhargava’s “prime-universality criterion theorem” does not include 53 (a prime number identified by Seidov) for the same profound reason revealed by 3D Math found by the "two new operators".

Before man, before man-made mathematics existed, there existed a 3, 4 and 10 dimensional reality underlining manifested existence permitting the possessors of this knowledge to immediately view and find the incompletion in any system such as the distribution of prime numbers that Leonhard Euler lamented about and Dr. Bhargava and Dr. Seidov have asserted.

The Riemann Hypothesis is fundamentally about the distribution of prime numbers. Riemann is incomplete because Riemann cannot be solved as stated. The Zeta Function, the Trivial Zeros, Nontrivial Zeros, and the Critical Line are disarticulated in all attempts to solve the Riemann Hypothesis. The distributions of prime numbers require exactness. The prime distribution solution is solved by this investigator's n>n, p=n/n*n< formula and Law.

This investigator is proposing a new number theorist title beyond “analytic number theory” called SANT for "Super Advanced Number Theorist."

Two New Operators in Mathematics 
Solve Five Mathematical Problems


Two New Operators and 3D Math prove that P=NP for Mathematics! P=NP has been solved in 5151 polynomials steps for this 400!/100! observation.

“Stephen Cook and Leonid Levin formulated the P (i.e., easy to find) versus NP (i.e., easy to check) problem independently in 1971.”  The solution steps are actually “5151 groups” found by the denominator.

Two New Operators and 3D Math solve the Riemann Hypothesis by this formula 

n>n, p=n/n*n< 

This formula represents “The Katching’s Prime Number Law” which is not to be confused with the prime number theorem.

Two New Operators and 3D Math solve the Levinthal Paradox for Bioinformatics 

100! / 99! Plus 2 and 3 

solved in 5050 polynomials steps. With traditional mathematics protein folding appears to be an astonishing complicated mathematical problem. 3D Math finds where the protein folding conformations occur in “groups”.

Two New Operators and 3D Math solve where Six of the 10 Hidden Dimensions in Cosmology are found by this formula 

n (n+1)/2 - n (n+1)/2 

When the Two New Mathematic Operators are searching for the “6 hidden dimensions” they are actually searching for the solution to “quantum gravity” that ties Einstein’s Special and General Theories of Relativity to the exact geometrical structure of the universe together by where prime numbers occur spatially. 

Two New Operators and 3D Math solve the “Unification of the Four Forces of Physics” in a geometrical structure demonstrating how and why “three mathematical attributes” are required to lay bare the structure of the universe and the elusive carrier of the gravitational force.
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